Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Co-Dependent's Day (S15, E15-328)

Damn, I could really go for some of that good word right about now.
Plot Summary
Homer takes the kids to see the latest edition of the Star Cosmic Wars saga.  However, the movie ends up being a lot of exposition (well, a glorified role call, literally), with a few appearances from Jar-Jar Binks Jim Jam Whatever.  Bart and Lisa decide to write to the movie's creator, George Lucas Randall Curtis, a rather fat tiny man.  However, when Lucas Curtis replies as though they liked the movie, the Simpsons decide to go to his ranch in northern California.  While Bart and Lisa go make Lucas Curtis understand their criticisms, Homer and Marge decide to go to a nearby winery.  Marge really gets into it with Homer, and the end up really drunk much to the surprise of both kids because, hey, they never see Marge drunk.

After returning home, Marge continues to drink wine with Homer as much as she can.  Soon, though, she hits her limit and the hangovers get to be a bit much.  She tells Homer they should lay off the wine drinking for awhile, and Homer agrees but then they go attend an Octoberfest anyway.  Rather than offend Germans, Marge has herself a rather large beer she 'nurses', but she winds up wasted anyway and passes out.  Homer, who is pretty drunk as well, tries to drive the two of them home, but promptly drives the car off the rail and into a ditch.  He hears the police arrive and, recalling in his drunken state that one more DUI arrest means the loss of his license, quickly fixes the scene to make it look like Marge drove the car into the ditch, and she gets arrested for DUI.

Marge can't remember much about the night, and thus is disgusted at herself for apparently drinking and driving.  She admits herself into rehab with Barney's help, but Homer begins to regret his decision.  He goes to the clinic and tells Marge the truth, and Marge gets so angry she storms off.  She meets up with others at the clinic, all of whom have their secret stashes and alcohol and Marge decides to join in.  However, Marge isn't as happy as she usually is when drunk, and she realizes that she was happy not because of the booze, but because she spent time with Homer.  She and Homer reconcile, and Marge convinces Homer to give up alcoholic clear liquids so that the two can finally have some memories together that aren't blurs.

Quick Review
Its your average Season 15 episode here, a few good jokes, periods of time where there aren't many jokes, your somewhat offensive plot point (this time, its Homer getting Marge to take the fall for DUI), and your joke-lacking ending.  These episodes have barely been able to stay above 7, and this episode is no different.  The first act, focused on "Cosmic" Wars was just odd, partly because they're going full out on mocking Star Wars yet they don't have enough stones to actually call it that.  Meh.

Final Score: 7.1

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