Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mountain of Madness (S08, E12-165)

"Only WHO can prevent forest fires?"  [Bart presses 'YOU']
"You pressed 'YOU', referring to me.  That is incorrect.
The correct answer is 'YOU'."
Plot Summary
Needing some excitement in his day, Mr. Burns has the plant undergo a surprise fire drill.  However, nobody at the plant is prepared for it, causing mass panic.  Eventually, more than 15 minutes later, Homer is the first to make it out of the building.  Some time later, after the plant lies in ruin, Burns laments his workers for their utter lack of teamwork.  As a result, he has everyone participate in a teamwork exercise up in the mountains.  Homer mistakenly brings his family along.

As it is a teamwork exercise, Smithers picks names out of a hat so that teams of two venture into the mountains to find a singular cabin filled with sandwiches and such, with the added incentive that the last team in gets fired.  Much to Smithers' shock, Burns is paired with Homer, who is relieved that he's on the one team that can't be fired.  Further, Smithers ends up being the last person left, and has to trek up the mountain on his own.  With that, the contest is underway.

Burns easily convinces Homer to 'cheat' their way up by use of a prepared snowmobile.  With it, they are easily the first team to the cabin.  As the two start to bond, the sharp noise of their wine glasses knocking on one another causes an avalanche to occur.  As other teams start making it to where the cabin once was, Homer and Burns attempt to get out, and do so but their jubilation causes another avalanche.

Smithers, who erroneously lets Bart and Lisa 'help' him out, is the last one to another cabin, where everyone else has gone to believing it to be the correct cabin.  It is then where its learned that both Homer and Burns are still missing, and that the cabin the teams were supposed to go to is also missing due to the avalanches.

With several more having buried the cabin further, Homer and Burns begin to suffer from cabin fever, building not snowmen, but rather 'men made out of snow', and subsequently dressing them with their own clothes.  The two then become distrustful of one another, combining with their cabin fever into full blown hostility.  Burns attacks Homer, and the battle eventually results in the cabin's propane tank igniting, turning the house into a rocket of some sort that propels it out of the snow and right next to the other cabin where everyone else is.  After everyone is relieved over the safety of Homer and Burns, Burns still reminds everyone that the exercise is still ongoing, and the rush of everyone getting in results in Lenny getting fired (though because everyone learned about teamwork, nobody got fired after all!).  Burns and Homer are relieved that everything has worked out, but their distrust for one another remains.

Quick Review
Mountain of Madness isn't as funny as I remember it being.  Sure, there are some quality bits, like the fire drill, Bart using that Smokey the Bear lookalike, Smithers' trek up the mountain.  However, the jokes die down a bit near the end of the episode and the score suffers a bit as a result.

Final Score: 8.5

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